Curing Times
Room temperature 22°C (72°F) using a long-wave black light of 15 watts (365 nm) approx. 25 mm above the element ca. 3 - 5 seconds
Full-Cureing: Room temperature 22°C (72°F) using a long-wave black light of 15 watts (365 nm) approx. 25 mm above the element. ca. 1 hour
Technical Data
Viscosity: 80 cps to 100 cps
Refractive index: 1,49 at 25°C (full cured)
1,47 (uncured)
Operational Temperature Range: -50°C to +100°C
Youngs Modul: 4 x 105 lb/inch
Shrinkage on cure: <0.25%
pH: <3,8
Specific Gravity: 1,08
Shore D Hardness: 90
Shipping and Storage: Should be kept from intense light and elevated temperatures.
Shelf live: 12 months at room temperature (22°C)
Packing Size: 30 g (1 oz) and 500g (16 oz)