Typical chemical analysis
Aluminium oxide > 99,90 %
Sodium < 0,050 %
Iron < 0,013 %
Silicium < 0,010 %
Calcium < 20 ppm
Magnesium < 20 ppm
Potassium < 30 ppm
Heavy metals < 30 ppm
Nano-AL CDA C-30 can be used instead of cerium oxide for polishing glass and glass ceramics. When polishing metals a slightly longer polishing time is required compared to the use of diamonds. This will be compensated by a much lower price for the polishing suspension used. The following key words indicate a variety of applications where Nano-AL CDA C-30 can be used:
- Infrared optics, silicon, germanium, cadmium sulphide, zinc sulphite
- Mono-crystal materials
- Fibre optics
- Soft materials, aluminium, lead, copper
- As raw materials for high-tech ceramics
- Due to its high spezific surface area (BET) of ca. 25 m2/g, Nano-AL CDA C-30 can be used for
catalytic purposes.
- Nano-AL CDA C-30 is an effective, scratch-proof additive for industrial layers as well.
- 1 kg bottle
- 5 kg bottle (on request)