Curing Times
Using an ordinary UV sun light approx. 30 cm above the element.
Pre-Curing: 20 minutes
Full-Curing: 90 minutes
Using long-wave UV light (365 nm) approx. 25 mm above the element.
Pre-Curing: 10 minutes
Full-Curing: 1 hour
Technical Data
Viscosity: 275 cps to 320 cps
Refractive Index: 1,55 at 25°C (full cured) resp. 1,53 (uncured)
Operational Temperature Range: -54°C (-65°F) to +100°C (+212°F)
Youngs Modul: 6,2 x 105 lb/inch
Shear Strength: 5,200 lb/inch2
Dielectric Contrast: 3 at 106 cps
Water Absorption: 0,3% (24 hours, 25°C)
Shrinking in Cure: approx. 4%
pH: 3,2
Specific Gravity: 1,22
Shore D Hardness: > 90
Thermal Conductivity: 500 x 10–6 cal (sec) (cm2) (°C) (cm)
Flash Point (uncured): 50°C
Outgassing CVCM: 0.13 %
Shipping and Storage: Should be kept from intense light and elevated temperatures.
Shelf Life: 18 months from date of manufacture.
Packing Size: 114 g (4 oz).